Hi I’m Kimber. Those who know me best would tell you I have roughly two speeds 100 and 0. So here we go…
I met my husband in 7th grade, although we were never high school sweethearts. I got to marry a man who over 10 years I called friend, best friend, boyfriend, fiancé, and finally husband. We have had so many adventures together picking up and moving {sometimes on literally a week’s notice} as his career in the Air Force takes us somewhere new. It’s a crazy way to live, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. After all, this lifestyle has afforded me travel, new experiences, and lifelong friends!
The majority of my time is joyfully taken up by my three kids 5 and under. I have learned that no matter how hard I try to make 1+1=2, in parenthood sometimes logic just never prevails! In the rest of my time I am a collector of hobbies. My love of cooking is fueled by my love to eat. Nothing makes me smile like capturing the perfect picture of my kids! I like to try my hand at most any craft. And if I can’t handle a home project I will happily volunteer my loving husband to complete my vision. Cleaning and exercise can just never seem to edge their way into my heart. I am an engineer by trade but a hopeless right brain by practice. A believer in God, a wife, a mother, a thinker, an Aggie, and now a blogger. That’s me!
Kimber is a Las Vegas, NV Area Blogger curating content on crafts, recipes, DIY and more! Feel free to get in contact with me at kimber {at} thepinningmama {dot} com.