UPDATED FOR CHRISTMAS 2016!!! This list has some of the best gift ideas for a 2 year old girl. From dolls to dress up to outdoor and educational, there are ideas for presents no matter what your little girl loves! There are ideas for big gifts and small, and a range from expensive to inexpensive gift ideas to fit every budget.
I love these posts but at the same time I always dread them because it makes me realize my babies are growing up right before my very eyes. I have so much fun giving gifts. I have always loved to think about someone and then hunt down something that I know will make their heart smile and have the joy of giving it to them. It is even more special when it is my own kids! My little girl will be two at the end of next week and it has been so much fun thinking of all the things that she loves and would love to play with that would make the perfect gift ideas for her.
If you are looking for birthday, Christmas, or just because gifts for the little 2 year old princess in your life, then these are sure to put a smile on her face. I will put out the disclaimer though that my methods aren’t scientific. I am just a mom with kids making a list of things they love! Some might not follow the age recommendations or might not be your kid’s favorite character, but overall these are thing I know my daughter would love to play with.
For more info on any product click the text link below the picture.
Baby Doll Gifts
First thing’s first! Baby dolls. Girls just have it in their nature to love babies! My little one has a couple of very basic soft dolls that she has become very attached to and loves to carry around, take care of and rock to sleep. It is so fun to watch the caring and nurturing spirit that develops as she plays with dolls. I am going to take a step up with more more realistic dolls now that she is two. And you can’t forget the accessories. Any mini-mommy needs all the goodies to take care of her baby!
1. Melissa & Doug Annie – 12″ Drink and Wet Doll – I like this doll specifically because it introduces the concept of potty training that will be coming up for us in the coming year.
2. Corolle Mon Premier Calin Charming Pastel Baby Doll– This has been recommended to me by several friends as a more realistic baby doll.
3. Play Bottles– Little Miss love to take care of her baby so bottles are of course a necessity!
4. Graco Doll Stroller– We have this stroller and I love it! It has a light weight metal frame so it can really hold up well even when the kids are rough with it or I turn around and see my son giving my daughter a ride in it.
Pretend Play Gifts
Right around two both of my children’s minds seemed to blossom so rapidly and their imagination just knows no bounds! Both of my kids have absolutely loved pretend play at this age. With my son it was all fire men and super heros but with my daughter it is princesses, doctor, and all most anything else that she can dress up as. She also loves princesses and characters. Even just turning two she will make believe and pretend play with them! These are some of my favorite picks to play pretend.
1. Doctor’s kit– We can’t all grow up to be a princess so I love that my little girl loves to play pretend with other things also and her doctor’s kit is one of her favorites.
2. Elmo Doll– Funny, even though we don’t watch much TV both of my kids learned and love Elmo! We see him in books and other kid friendly toys and activities and there is just something loveable about that little red monster. Every time we go to the store we have to make a special trip down the aisle with Elmo to give him a visit. She would be so excited to open up her own Elmo doll on her birthday. I really love that this Elmo goes night night since we will be moving to a big girl bed soon and need her to go night night like a big girl.
3. Little Kingdom MagiClip Princess Dolls– These are one of those toys that isn’t actually for two year olds but my daughter seriously loves them! The dresses clip on and off of these dolls so she can even get them dressed and change their outfits herself. It is great practice for her motor skills and fun for her to play pretend but I do make sure and take the smaller pieces out of the package before I give it to her.
4. Princess Dress Up Kit– She loves this. Everything about it! She could change her outfit and put on dresses, shoes and crowns 10 times a day! This little set is perfect since it comes with a bunch of dresses so that she can try them all on and change outfits to her little heart’s desire.
Outdoor Gift Ideas
One thing is for sure. My kiddos love to be outside! We take advantage of anytime the weather is beautiful and spend time at the park, in the back yard or where ever we can have fun outside! There are so many great ideas for a two year old to get moving and creative outdoors.
1. Scooter– Since my little girl is just turning two she isn’t quite capable of scooting around yet but she LOVES trying it out on brother’s old scooter. Getting a scooter with the two wheels in the back like this radio flyer makes it sturdy enough for a little one to learn on. Don’t forget to buy a helmet along with this gift!
2. Bubble Mower– Push toys just never seem to get old! My daughter loves pushing things and is OBSESSED with bubbles so this is going to be a huge hit for her and hours of outdoor fun!
3. Water Table– It gets pretty hot here in the warm weather months so if we don’t have activities that include water we are usually out of luck on going outside. Water tables are fun and give kids tons of ways to play and splash, no swimming pool needed!
4. Bubbles– If there is one thing in life that my daughter loves right now it is bubbles. She must ask for them ten times every singe day and will literally get giddy and squeal with joy when we get them out. This no spill container is a must for any bubble loving kid. It allows them to have some independence in blowing them by themselves while keeping the mess, spills and refills to a minimum.
5. Tricycle– This is a great beginner trike. It is a bit smaller in scale and geared toward younger kids which is nice since many of the tricycles are much too big for a two year old’s legs to reach. It is nice because it is sturdy, fun and builds coordination as they learn how to pedal and make it go.
6. Wagon– Your little girl will love to both take rides in this and pull it herself with her dolls or toys inside. This is one of those toys that you will have and use for many, many years!
Little People Gift Ideas
I had to devote a whole category just to little people gift ideas! They are so perfect for a 2 year old! Pretty much any of the Little People sets would be loved by your little one and if they have a special interest, there is probably a set to match it. Even though they are perfect for 2 year olds, they really spark imagination and can grow for a few years with your child. These are some of our favorite Little People picks!
1. Little People Princess Castle– This is perfect for a bigger gift for your little one! It has different rooms and interaction throughout the castle and is the only place for princesses to live!
2. Little People Princess Dolls– If you didn’t notice by now, my little girl loves princesses. These are the most age appropriate choice for princess figurines and can play will all the little people toys.
3. Little People Klip Klop Stable– We have this and it is SO cool! It entertains and wows kids of all ages as the horses actually ride down the paths klip klopping all by themselves! My kids fight over this toy frequently because it is a favorite at our house and I think I can always hear the faint klip klop of the horses galloping away in the back of my mind. You might want to get a few extra horses as an additional gift because every little hand will want one to play with!
4. Little People Doll House– The perfect first dollhouse for a little girl!
These are the first part of my gift ideas, but I figured I would break this into two posts since it was getting lengthy! I have more great gift ideas for the two year old kid who loves art, games, puzzles and more!
****See The Ultimate Gift List for a 2 Year Old Girl – Part 2 HERE!****
See some of our favorite books for 2 year olds here!
Make sure to check out all of our other gift list posts for fun, unique and well loved gift ideas for the other kids in your life!
For more gift inspiration make sure to see our other gift list posts!
The Best Gifts for a 4 Year Old Boy!
The Best Gifts for a 1 Year Old Girl!
The Best Gift Ideas for a 1 year old Boy!
The Best Gifts for a 3 Year Old BOY!
The Best Gifts for a 3 Year Old Girl!
Lisa Newlin says
Thanks for this! My niece just turned 2 and I have no idea what to get for her. I don’t always want to do the Princess thing so a bunch of your ideas will work. I really like the trike one.
Cathy@LemonTreeDwelling says
These are perfect! Nora JUST turned 3 and these are all right up her alley! Well done! 🙂
Nidhi says
I think you have shared some gift ideas that are useful, learning and fun for a 2 year old girl, My thumbs up for the ideas. 🙂
Harvey Law says
Thanks for this article! Now I know what to give my girl for her birthday. Thanks a lot!