I have been seeing lots of awesome words spelled out in peoples homes – EAT, COOK, LOVE, HOME etc. The cool thing is that these words are all different depending on the homes color scheme. I have been aching for some color in my family room and kitchen, so I bought E-A-T to put above my cabinets. I bought yellow paint and someday I will paint them. I think they’ll be a nice, yet subtle pop of color. For now though, I had an itch to make some that look like the Anthropologie Zinc Letters. These are $18 a pop! Someday when I am rich my whole wardrobe will be Anthropologie and J Crew. The store just makes me smile. I love the tables with all of the random little gadgets, kitchen goodies and books. Best place to buy unique gifts!
I fell in love with these Anthropologie letters, but I obviously didn’t want to pay the price. I thought spelling out BENNETT for my little guys room would be adorbs.
Here is BB’s nursery. Before we knew the sex of the baby I knew the color scheme I wanted. I was obsessed with all things peacock blue. I figured if I had a girl I could always throw in some pops of pink. 99% of this room was DIY room and was a labor of love – my husband painted and put up the board and batten and ledge. He was such a good sport! We didn’t have a nursery right away with BG because we were moving from Germany to Las Vegas, so I knew I wanted a completed nursery that I could anxiously walk by everyday. So, a beautiful room is what we ended up with. It quickly became my favorite room in the house. I loved sitting in there even before BB was born. Imagining holding him in my arms was such a great feeling. **sigh**
I think I will replace the airplane pictures above the crib with the cardboard letters since they are so light. Sometimes at night, when my brain won’t shut off, I start getting nervous that one of the frames will fall and crash on his head. If cardboard fell he would probably be uninjured though! Eeek And yes, those are bumpers in his crib. Don’t flame me.
Can I share some more of this room with you? I forgot to take a picture of the bunting that hangs above his window. Boo.
One of the reasons why I think the metal letters would look great in his room is because in this corner we have bolts in the wall to hang some items. I totally stole the bolt idea from a friend. What a great way to bring some “boy” into the room.
Last one, I promise! Here is the gallery wall. I used command strips to hang these. Those things are almost as cool as the other side of the pillow. The frames are from Hobby Lobby and I painted them all white. They were originally pink, purple, yellow etc. And I made the Bushel and a Peck sign with vinyl letters and paint. The airplanes were made with the silhouette machine and this photo mobile is what holds the planes.
Well, now that I’ve shown you the nursery, lets get to the reason for this post. The DIY letters!
What you will need to DIY Anthropologie letters:
- Cardboard letters from Hobby Lobby, Michaels or JoAnn Fabrics. These run about $2.50 a piece. I bought my letters when they were 30% off at Hobby Lobby. You should definitely wait for a sale because they happen often
- Krylon Chrome Spray Paint – They sell this at Hobby Lobby and I used my 40% off coupon
We have a craft table in the backyard that is nasty looking. I don’t care if it gets uglier, so I just laid all of my letters out. Since these were going to be hung up, I didn’t worry about the back not getting painted. Oh, make sure you take the tags off of the letters! I started spraying and realized they were still on. I guess I was a little too excited.
When you spray the letters, go in a sweeping motion. The spray adheres very quickly, but you don’t want to risk any drip marks. Let them sunbathe for about an hour. I live in Vegas so these dried in about 30 seconds because it’s so dry here. Then, go back and spray your second coat making sure to get the areas that you missed.
If you want your letters to look even more like Anthro’s I suggest using a fine sanding block. Just rub the letters lightly so that the shine lessens. I loved the end result with the shine, so I decided to stop right there. This was such an easy project. I was shocked at how chromey (I realize that’s not a word) the letters looked. I know the spray can says chrome and the lid was shiny but I was very skeptical. I am thinking about spraying an end table with this stuff. I love the mirrored metallic looking tables I am seeing pop up in so many stores! How fun would that be in a little girls room?
As always, share the pin love!
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