If ever there is an occasion where a handmade card is most likely to be well received I think it’s Mother’s day!
Hi, I’m Julie from Sum of their Stories and today I’m delighted to be back here to share a handmade card idea that I’m hope any Mum would love to receive. Here in the UK Mother’s Day is much earlier in the year than the US, we had ours on 6th March. I hadn’t realised until recently that in fact the date differs all over the world with Norway being first in February and Kenya last at the end of June (thank you Mr Google)
My own Mum is no longer with us but I always try to think of something nice for my Mother in Law, she’s the kind of person who will keep a handmade card so each year I try to come up with something she will treasure.
I’d seen, probably on pinterest, stitching on photographs, a necklace in a bright colour on a black and white photo, that sort of thing, so I had a rummage through our old photo albums to see what I could find. My Mother in Law had 4 children quite spread out in age so my selection of photos with her and all her children was limited. This little gem that I found in the end is VERY 70’s, it is a little out of focus and probably a little bit to small but with memory things like this I think that doesn’t matter too much.
To make a Stitched Photo Mother’s Day card you will need:
- An old photo and a means to scan and print it
- A peice of see through paper, so tracing paper or kitchen greaseproof paper, something like that
- Card, pen, a blank card and envelope
- A cork place mat or similar
- Embroidery thread, needle, scissors and pin
Scan your chosen photo, then print it onto card as large as you can without it going too fuzzy.
- Lay whatever see through paper you have over the enlarged photo and draw whatever you want. I did a message and some flowers and hearts. You can literally do whatever you like, whatever suits your photo. I recommend keeping it simple though!
- Put your photo and it’s overlay onto something to protect the surface below (I used the back of a cork table mat) use a pin to stab through the card along the design, keeping the holes fairly evenly spaced.
- Remove the see through paper and you should be able to see your design .
- Stitch your design following the holes you have stabbed. I used 2 of the 6 strands in my embroidery thread and a double running stitch, with simple lazy daisies for the flowers.
When it’s all stitched trim the photo and glue it centrally onto a card blank.
My Mother In Law loved her card, I kind of knew she would!
If you have a go just remember to keep it simple and keep those hole evenly spaced, if they are too close the card could rip between them and you don’t want that.
One last thought, should I have put an apostrophe? Mother’s or Mothers? Lots of Mothers or the day belonging to the Mother’s?
I’ve loved being here today to share this Mother’s Day card idea with you, thank you for having me.
If you like this stitched card idea you might like to see some of the other card and stitching ideas I have over at Sum of their Stories.
Mary - the boondocks blog says
Very nice job with a good tutorial. I’m sure your mother in law will love it.